EMERGE Spring Calendar
March 5 – June 1, 2025
At EMERGE our vision is to equip students to KNOW, LOVE, and SERVE God and others. We believe that there is only one way to accomplish this, to teach the Bible and to do so in a way that is both fun and engaging. In everything that is done at EMERGE our goal is to apply the truth of God's word in these three ways, Knowing, Loving, & Serving.
We will help and encourage each student to grow in their personal relationship with and knowledge of Jesus, as well as connect with other followers of Jesus.
We will help and encourage each student to love the Lord their God with all their heart, soul, and mind, as well as love their neighbor as themselves! This is what Jesus taught us therefore this is what we teach as well.
Our Mission at CrossRoads Church is to “Develop Engaged and Empowered Followers of Christ” one way that we intend to accomplish this mission in EMERGE is to follow the example of Jesus, “the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many.” (Matt 20:28) EMERGE seeks to serve Jesus by serving others.
We look forward to meeting you face to face. Our service includes active games, powerful worship, relevant teaching from the Word of God, and fellowship we all desperately need!
6:30-8pm Worship Center
9am & 10:45am Bridge Building
6:30p 110 High Meadows Rd, Decatur TX 76234
Check out our Bible study for 10th-12th grade students.
Here is our seasonal Calendar, make sure you add these events to your own calendar as well.
Check out what's going on with EMERGE!
Pastor Luke came with his wife Brittany from Southern California. He loves to surf, and pretty much everything about the beach… yes even Texas beaches! They moved to Decatur Fall of 2016, specifically to be a part of CrossRoads. “We are so blessed to be a part of this community, within a few weeks we were calling Decatur HOME!”
He received a Bachelor’s of Science in Business Administration from California Baptist University. After college he worked in plumbing sales for 6 years, he then took a job at Harvest Christian Fellowship, his life time church. He and his wife Brittany had been volunteering in youth ministry for a combined 19 years! Luke worked as the Jr High Pastor’s assistant for 2 years before joining us at CrossRoads. Luke is currently pursuing a Masters in Practical Theology from The King’s Seminary.
Pastor Luke’s vision for EMERGE Youth Ministry is to teach the unadulterated Word of God with current application for all ages, and to do so in a fun and engaging way. Coupled with the power of God’s word Pastor Luke’s goal is to have a student lead youth ministry. “Students are the next generation of the church, why wait until the last generation leaves to give students a chance?”
“At CrossRoads our mission is to Develop Engaged and Empowered Followers of Christ, this is also my goal with student ministries. That our combined ministry effort is the same across the board, in every area of the church.”
Since arriving in Texas and discovering surfing is nearly impossible, Luke has taken up indoor climbing. If you would like to get to know him a little better stop by the church and say “hi”.