Children's Ministry Volunteer Lunch
March 30, 2025
One of the core values of Crossroads is that Everyone Matters. Your children matter deeply to their Heavenly Father, and we take their spiritual growth seriously. But being serious doesn't mean being dull and boring. Our programs are geared to reach children with God's truth and love in a fun, engaging manner.
"Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. I tell you the truth, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it."
Our 3- and 4-year-old kids attend praise and worship with their parents and then are released to their class during the sermon where they have kid’s praise, story time and an activity time that reinforces the Bible story or concept of the day.
Children attend praise and worship with their parents and then are released to their classes. K-4TH is an energetic, exciting program that awakens a hunger in children to learn more about God. Children have a power packed time designed for their age group emphasized through interactive small groups.
Want to make a real difference in a child’s life? Come join our team. We love God and we love His kids.
Don’t want to teach? We have lots of other important roles, from preparing lesson materials to checking in and greeting families, to creative planning. One hour a week can change at least two lives—a child’s and yours.