Sundays At Crossroads
We currently have 2 identical services each Sunday. Our friendly volunteers in the lobby will be happy to assist you, serve you coffee, and guide you or answer your questions.
First Service
Second Service
We’re a casual congregation. Feel free to dress comfortably. Don’t feel like you have to dress up, be who you are.
Expect. Come expecting to experience God’s presence, meet new people, and learn something about God and His incredible love for YOU!
You’re Our Guest. We don’t pass the offering plate during the service. Offering boxes are located around the building, however as our guest don’t feel obligated.
Our Services. Typically last 75-80 minutes. Come early for some coffee, which you CAN bring in service!
The worship style of CrossRoads Church is casual and contemporary.
Our passion is to encounter the life-changing power, presence, and love of God. An encounter with God happens as we turn our attention and affection toward Him.
Our music blends rock and pop styles to create an atmosphere of celebration and expectation.
Children: Every Sunday, your child can experience God’s love through creative and fun Biblical teaching. We offer a full service nursery for your children ages birth to 3 years old.
Nursery check-in begins 15 minutes prior to our services.
For Kids K-4th, they attend the main service with you for our time of music and worship. After the first 30min they will be dismissed to meet their teachers in the lobby for class. At the end of the service, you can pick up your children in their classrooms.
Parents are welcome to accompany their child. Please check in with their Teacher in the classroom.
Middle School: Middle School students, 7th – 8th grades, also attend the main service for music and worship and are then dismissed to attend EMERGEms. Middle Schoolers meet during second service every Sunday.
Senior High: Senior High students, 9th to 12th grades, attend the main service.
There is ample parking. Overflow is available at Rann Elementary next door. Handicap parking is located near front entrance.

CrossRoads Church celebrates Communion the 1st and 3rd Sunday of the month. You do not have to be a member of CrossRoads Church to take communion. If you are a follower of Christ, we invite you to join us.

After Service
We would love to meet you! Please stop by the Welcome Desk in the Lobby for a free gift. Want to speak with the Pastor? They are available at the front of the Worship Center or in the Lobby.
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